簡體字轉換UltraEdit v20 中文版(文字編纂工具) ,一款十分壯大的編輯可以或許,
CNET/ Download.com關於UltraEdit的說:「憑藉其清楚的佈局和強大的項目和工作空間的功能,它可以處置懲罰複雜和先進的軟體開辟項目,但是,儘管其種類繁多的功能
XML Manager with parsed XML tree view, plus ability to move/delete/modify nodes and reformat XML
Free integrated file compare utility (UC Lite), or full integration with UltraCompare Professional
Ability to set a remote (server based) or local (Perl regex based) filter (provides filtering ability for SFTP)
Syntax highlighting and code folding - configurable, pre-configured for C, C++, VB, HTML, Java, and Perl翻譯社 with special options for FORTRAN and LaTex. Multiple wordfiles available for download
軟體附有 HTML 標籤彩色顯示、搜索取代以及無窮制的復原功能,一般用其來點竄EXE 或 DLL 檔案。
Integrated scripting language to automate tasks
Includes support for SFTP and FTPS (Control only, Control and data, Implicit)
SSH/Telnet window
Configurable keyboard mapping
Tag matching for XML and HTML open and close tags
文字編纂器 UltraEdit v20 繁體中文版的具體用途有:
用做c翻譯社 c++翻譯社 java翻譯社 jsp翻譯社 html翻譯社 xml等的原始碼編纂器
(Optional) local default directory for each FTP account
用做通俗文字檔案編輯器(.txt .bat .conf .ini等)
用UltraEdit一個行業獎得主,支援基於磁碟的64位檔案處置懲罰(標準)在32 - 位和64位的Windows平台上。
Code completion and auto-expanding text with Smart Templates
FTP client and browser
Environment Selector - Provides predefined or user-created editing environments that remember the state of all of UltraEdit's dockable windows, toolbars and more for user convenience.
Function list with tree-style view of functions, parameters, variables, properties, etc.
Automatic completion of XML and HTML tags
用做.bat檔案編纂器 (bat,是指批次處理檔案)
Project/workspace support
Column/block mode editing
File encryption / decryption
Advanced proxy support and SSL certificate handling
HTML toolbar pre-configured for popular HTML functions
Hexadecimal editor allows editing of any binary file, shows binary and ASCII view
Integration with UltraSentry to securely delete UltraEdit temporary files
64-bit file handling (for files of 4+ GB) on both 32-/64-bit Windows platforms (Win XP and later)
WebSearch Toolbar: highlight text and click a websearch toolbar button to search for highlighted term from within the editor
Unicode support
(以上檔案可以是當地的,也能夠是通過FTP模式操作遠端的檔案) 對文字檔案進行按行排序,排序的模式是可以定義的翻譯
文字編輯器 UltraEdit v20 中文版官方下載網址:
Multiline find and replace dialogs for all searches (Find翻譯社 Replace, Find in Files, Replace in Files)
Spell checker and localization support for 80+ languages including American English翻譯社 British English翻譯社 Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian翻譯社 Spanish and Swedish)
Disk based text editing and large file handling, minimum RAM used even for multi-megabyte files
Multi-byte support with integrated IME support
本文引用自: http://blog.udn.com/smart7515/13773029有關各國語文翻譯公證的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯公司02-77260931
- May 08 Tue 2018 12:16